
您当前的位置:深圳恩浩纸箱厂 >> 纸箱知识 >> 如何处理不合格的纸箱


来源:原创 时间:2022.11.11

对于哪些不合格的纸箱我们该怎么办?首先我们要将这部分的纸箱区分出来,不合格的纸箱不能和合格的纸箱放在一起,应该做好标识,放在指定的区域,以免混淆,没有经过批准,不能将这些不合格纸箱使用或者转移。那么怎么处理这些不合格的纸箱呢? 对于不合格纸箱的处理,有四种方式,分别是: 返修,能够返修的可以重新在修整; 报废,已经不能再用,只能做报废处理; 改做附件,将纸箱拆除,做其他的用途; 降价销售,不合格的纸箱可以再用,对于哪些要求不太高的是可以的。 What can we do for those unqualified carton? Guangzhou carton manufacturers to teach you how to do it, first we need to differentiate this part of the carton, unqualified carton cannot put together and qualified carton, should be done well, in the specified area, in order to avoid confusion, without approval, not be able to use or transfer these unqualified carton. So how to deal with these substandard carton? The processing of unqualified for the cartons, there are four ways, respectively is: The can can repair, repair in shaping; Scrap, can no longer use, can only do scrap processing; Into the attachment, remove the carton, do other purposes; On sale, unqualified carton can use again, asked not to be too high to what is possible.
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